Field & Forest Management Services
Forestry Mulching
For getting rid of dense brush, undergrowth, and invasive species 8 inches and below. Reclaiming old fields from Locust and cedars.
Tree Shear with Grapple & Herbicide Sprayer
For getting rid of invasive and selective/unwanted trees up to 16 inches in diameter at ground level.
Root Grapple
For use when cleaning up logging slash, clearing root balls from building sites and food plots, creating habitat piles or brush piles for burning.
6 Way Dozer Blade
Creating ditches, driveways, ATV trails, and water bars (on downhill forestry trails and roads.)
Brush Hogging
If you are just in need of someone to come and brush hog your fields we can help with that as well.
Real World Seeds
For hunting food plots or just attracting wildlife to your property we can help.
Boom Arm Mower
It can be used to trim fence lines, driveways, trails, pond dams and ditches.
Our Real World Seeds Products
Clover/Chicory Blend
- Type of Plant: All Perennial Blend
- Planting Dates: Fall, Frost Seed and Spring
- Planting Method: Broadcast
Plot Topper
- Type of Plant: Blend of brassica species
- Planting Dates: 50-60 Days before first heavy frost. Late August-Early September
- Planting Method: Broadcast overworked ground then cultipack
Harvest Salad
- Type of Plant: Blend of three cereal grains and Austrian Winter Peas
- Planting Dates: 50-60 days before the first frost. Late August- Early September.
- Planting Method: Broadcast overworked ground then cultipack.
Upland Wildlife Blend
- Type of Plant: Annual blend of soybeans, millet, sorghum, and sunflowers.
- Planting Dates: Once spring ground temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees.
Winter Forage Oats
- Type of Plant: Annual cereal Grain
- Planting Dates: 50-60 Days before first heavy frost. Late August-Early September
- Planting Method: Broadcast overworked ground the cultipack. Simply broadcast before a rain into standing soybeans or corn.
Generation 2 Soybeans
- Type of Plant: Perennial blend of four different beans
- Planting Dates: Spring (May through June depending on geography)
- Planting Method: Drill or broadcast and cultipack. (DO NOT PLANT TOO DEEP!!)
Deadly Dozen
- Type of Plants: Blend of Harvest Salad and Plot Topper
- Planting Dates: 50-60 Days before first heavy frost. Late August-Early September.
- Planting Method: Broadcast then cultipack
Maximizer Mineral Plus
- Type of Product: Mineral
- Usage Dates: March-August
- Usage Method: Mineral Lick
Spring Food Plot Options
- CLOVER/CHICORY: Is a returning highly attractive food source that is great for small plots, firebreaks, logging roads, and high deer density areas.
- UPLAND WILDLIFE BLEND: Great highly attractive food source for deer, turkey and upland game birds.
- GENERATION 2 SOYBEANS: Great highly attractive food source that can (under the right conditions) provide highly nutritious forage and bean pods for up to 10 months out of the year.
Fall Food Plot Options
- HARVEST SALAD: Great for 1st-time food plotters.
- PLOT TOPPER: Mixture of highly attractive brassicas that deer feed on foliage and bulbs. Freezing temps break down nitrates making bulbs more attractive.
- DEADLY DOZEN: Fall blend of 12 plant varieties designed to attract deer throughout the entire deer season.
- WINTER FORAGE OATS: Very high germination. Great for seeding in standing soybeans or corn